Has Extended Drain-Interval Capabilities
Syntex 2700 Synthetic Gear Oil SAE 75W/90 has extended drain-interval capabilities, as opposed to petroleum-type gear lubricants. Since Syntex 2700 is treated with additives to prevent and control oxidation, rust, corrosion, and wear the gear components receive longer life and reduced wear. This means longer gear life and longer lubricant life. The high and low temperature performances of these products exceed those of conventional SAE 80W/90 and SAE 90 hypoid gear lubricants.
Ensures Lubrication Flow
Syntex 2700 Synthetic Gear Oil SAE 75W/90 ensures lubrication flow to pinion bearings, differential channels, and upper gears. The ability to protect gears and bearings in a wide range of loads, speeds, and temperatures make this product extremely useful. Syntex 2700 is heavily loaded with high performance chemistry. Anti-rust, anti-corrosion, anti-foam, anti-oxidation, and extreme pressure anti-wear additives
are all present in higher quantities than in conventional GL-5 petroleum gear lubricants.

Made From Synthetic Base Stocks
Syntex 2700 Synthetic Gear Oil SAE 75W/90 is made from synthetic base stocks giving it extremely low pour points and channel points. The product is used in all kinds of heavy duty equipment both on and off-road. Syntex 2700 is also used in many industrial applications particularly where either cold temperatures or hot temperatures make petroleum products unsatisfactory.
FE 75W/90 Is Fuel Efficient
Syntex 2700 Synthetic Gear Oil SAE 75W/90 is a fuel efficient SAE 75W/90 offering 1% plus fuel savings due to optimized viscosity that reduces “drag” on gears and bearings while still offering superior protection to those same bearings and gears. The 1% plus fuel efficiency, compared to conventional SAE 80W/90, SAE 90 and SAE 75W/90 gear lubricants, per year for each vehicle can add up to significant savings for a company.
Withstands Heat
Syntex 2700 Synthetic Gear Oil SAE 75W/90 stands heat better than most petroleum oils. This means the need for make-up oil is less with Syntex 2700 compared to most straight petroleum gear lubricants. If gears “freeze up” because of cooked gear lube from high operating temperatures, Syntex 2700 can help eliminate the problem.
Resists Foaming
Syntex 2700 Synthetic Gear Oil SAE 75W/90 fights a common problem (foaming) by using superior anti-foam additives. In addition, Syntex 2700 contains more anti-foam chemistry than conventional GL-5 petroleum gear lubricants. Foaming allows metal to metal contact, heat build-up, and eventually gear box failure. Syntex 2700 eliminates ordinary foaming problems and reduces foaming in the toughest applications or situations.