The first building block TRC used in making TEXTRANS MULTI-VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF is a superb synthetic base oil. This fluid was chosen for many reasons, including its compatibility with petroleum oils and other synthetic transmission fluids. The fluid is compatible with seals, gaskets, and various types of transmission parts. The base oil has a long service life, even before it is enriched with beefed-up additives.
TRC TEXTRANS MULTI-VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF protects shift quality and shift times with special friction modifiers. Special ingredients are chosen to provide durability so the quality of the shift will be as smooth and as pleasing to the driver, after many miles on the fluid, as when the fluid was brand new. Anti-shudder durability performance is an extremely important part of TRC TEXTRANS MULTI-VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF. This is particularly important in school buses, municipal or transit buses, motor homes, emergency vehicles, and other people movers, such as your own vehicle. TRC TEXTRANS MULTI- VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF offers numerous superior performance benefits. For example, this fluid resists viscosity shear down, cold weather thickening, or shortened oil life. The excellent protection it provides against thermal and oxidation degradation, means sludge and varnish is either non-existent or kept to an absolute minimum.

Special additives mixed in TRC TEXTRANS MULTI-VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF enable this automatic transmission fluid to combat wear, rust, corrosion, leakage, foam, oxidation, and cold weather. While conventional automatic transmission fluids require frequent oil changes, and through poor lubrication actually reduce the service life of transmissions, TRC TEXTRANS MULTI-VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF extends lubricant life and provides superior protection to the transmission.
TRC TEXTRANS MULTI-VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF is suitable for hot and cold temperatures. An extremely low pour point of -51°C (-60° F) makes this product a good choice for cold weather. The synthetic base oil, with a flash point of 186°C (367°F), means it can handle desert temperatures in the summer, even when the transmission is being worked hard. TRC TEXTRANS MULTI-VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF offers fluid durability which, in turn, gets every bit of performance and durability from the transmissions.
While there is no such thing as one transmission fluid for every vehicle, TRC TEXTRANS MULTI-VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF is suitable for use in a long list of transmissions. Do not attempt to use this fluid in continuously variable transmissions (CVT’s) or dual clutch transmissions (DCT’s). It is suitable for use in Allison transmissions to replace Chrysler ATF’s or the various Dexron fluids. This fluid is also suitable for replacement of most Ford/Mercon fluids, and other manufacturers such as Honda, Mazda, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Toyota, Voith, Volkswagon, and ZF transmissions. TRC TEXTRANS MULTI-VEHICLE SYNTHETIC ATF simplifies choosing a fluid for a very complex transmission market and inventory consolidation will be a well known cost savings tool.