PRO-SPEC® III SYNTHETIC BLEND 15W/40Multi-Viscosity Motor Oil
Improved Soot Control
Pro-Spec III provides increased soot control. Todays engines are putting even more soot back into the crankcase. Texas Refinery Corp. Pro-Spec III contains top of the line dispersants to control soot thickening, sludge, varnish as well as keep other deposit pre-cursors suspended in the oil so that they can be filtered out.
Contains Superior Additives
Pro-Spec III meets or exceeds diesel engine oil specifications CH-4, CI-4 and CI-4 Plus. This product meets and/or exceeds the gasoline engine specification SL. In addition, Pro-Spec III meets and exceeds Mack EO-N Premium Plus 03, Cummins CES-20078, Volvo VDS-3, Global DHD-1 and ACEA E5/E3/B3/A3. Our product uses new generation additives in even greater amounts because diesel engine designs expose engine oils to elevated amounts of contamination. Special compounds are needed to neutralize acids, plus suspend and disperse large amounts of soot. Pro-Spec III keeps soot and particulate matter suspended (in the form of smaller particles) to prevent wear to liners, rings and the valve train. Todays engine designs place higher temperatures on the engine oil, which coupled with exhaust gases, could act as a catalyst for oxidation of the oil. An improperly functioning exhaust gas recirculation system can cause much more rapid deterioration of an engine oil. Pro-Spec III uses a beefed up oxidation inhibitor to counteract oxidation or sludging. Routine oil analysis & Pro-Spec III helps to allow longer drain intervals.

Made With High Quality Base Stock
Pro-Spec III is a blend of synthetic oil, which incorporates the purest and finest severely hydro-cracked and hydro-finished base stocks available. This unique combination of base stocks means Pro-Spec III provides improved oil flow for superior cold cranking protection. In addition, when high engine operating temperatures are encountered, which is common with low emission engines, this unique synthetic blend ensures a superior oil film of protection for vital moving engine parts. The pure and highly refined base stocks of Pro-Spec III contribute to an oil with low oil volatility. Because of the base stocks ability to resist oxidation during high heat operation, you use less oil due to consumption and evaporation. This means longer service life for the oil and reduced oil consumption, yet better engine protection. Our product’s base stock, along with an outstanding additive package, means no varnish, gum or sludge build-up on internal engine parts.
Improves Fuel Economy
It has been proven that a cleaner operating engine is a more fuel efficient engine. Reductions in varnish, gum and sludge in engines help an engine operate at peak efficiency. Pro-Spec III contains superior detergent/ dispersant additives to provide high temperature cleanliness, control corrosive wear, help suspend soot and help to neutralize acids. The superior detergent/ dispersant additive package of Pro-Spec III is a key reason extended drain intervals are possible along with improved fuel economy.
Has A High TBN Level
Pro-Spec III is made with a 15 Plus total base number (TBN). This is extremely important since air is 60% nitrogen and some engines take in 16,000 gallons of air per minute. Acidic compounds can form because of all the Nitrogen; therefore, the ability of Pro-Spec III to control corrosion is a top priority. The extra protection from the high Total Base Number in Pro-Spec III provides exceptional protection to reduce ring and liner wear.
Reduces Oil Consumption
A great way to reduce cost is to reduce oil consumption and Pro-Spec III does this extremely well. While results will vary, typically by using Pro-Spec III, oil make up between drain intervals is greatly reduced, while drain intervals are dramatically extended. This combination, in actual field usage, shows oil consumption cut by as much as 60%. Naturally, individual results will vary with engine and operating conditions.