Never Melts
HI-TEMP never melts – – even when subjected to high temperatures. Our high temperature grease lubricates properly under elevated temperatures, as well as normal operating temperatures. As temperatures become excessive, the outside layers of oil in HI-TEMP begin to volatilize instead of the grease melting – – the inner layers hold intact, retaining their lubricating qualities. Under continuous high temperatures, periodic flushing with HI-TEMP helps keep bearings in good operating condition.
Extremely Adhesive
HI-TEMP is a very adhesive high temperature grease, as compared to most greases on the market. Very adhesive – – meaning HI-TEMP clings tenaciously to metal surfaces providing an added film of protection. No “bare spots” will be encountered on metal surfaces with the use of HI-TEMP . . . proper film lubrication can be depended upon at all times. The adhesive property of HI-TEMP helps to reduce friction between metal parts, therefore reducing wear and repair bills!

Reduces Consumption
Since HI-TEMP is a non-melting grease, it stays where you put it, preventing metal-to-metal contact during operation. Using our unique formula helps eliminate galling, scoring or welding of bearing surfaces. Consumption of grease can be reduced with the use of HI-TEMP. . . the fact that it will “stay put” puts money back in the pocket!
Extreme Pressure Qualities
Another item that makes our high temperature grease one of the best on the market is its extreme pressure capabilities! Many products on the market that withstand high heat do not measure up to the extreme pressure qualities of HI-TEMP. Testing procedures confirm our grease passed a full 55 pound Timken OK Load Test . . . additional protection to help reduce downtime to a minimum.
Resists Moisture
Another benefit achieved by using our high temperature grease is the assurance of protection against moisture problems. Our formula has excellent water-resistant qualities. It tends to seal itself in the bearings, thus sealing out damaging dirt and moisture. With the use of our unique formula, there’s no worry of rust and corrosion wearing away metal parts and adding up repair bills unnecessarily!
HI-TEMP is a high temperature grease which blends quality with versatility. In normal applications it is particularly well-suited to annular bearings. Where excessive heat exists, it does a superior job of lubricating ball, roller, and annular bearings. The list of uses ranges from brick and tile factories to industrial plants . . . from construction firms to refineries.